
To Photoshop or Not to Photoshop?

Written by on August 8th, 2014

That is not really the question. In today’s society, we all do a little tweaking with our pictures. With the ability to change and enhance at our fingertips, it’s hard not to. We’ve been engineered to like beauty; our eyes are drawn to it. Companies plan their ad campaigns based on it. Beautiful ads sell!

True beauty is different, though. True beauty is what happens when someone smiles without inhibition. Photoshop can’t create true beauty.

Daniel as a child posing like a "power ranger" showing off his true self.

Daniel as a child posing like a “power ranger” showing off his true self.

Daniel as a high school senior just being himself.

Daniel as a high school senior just being himself.

Fortunately, we see a lot of beautiful people at our studio. My husband is a good photographer, but he’s also good at bringing out a person’s natural beauty. Do we photoshop our images? Yes, absolutely, but it’s a collaborative process between us and the client. Oftentimes, if a client doesn’t like that mole or the gap in their teeth, we encourage them to leave it untouched. Those “flaws” are what make you, well you! Looking back on my own children’s pictures from years ago, I love that my son made his “Power Ranger” pose for every picture. And, I’d never want to change my daughter’s oversized front teeth. (She did finally grow into them.)

So let’s all agree to celebrate the true beauty within.  Even the most reserved of our clients walk away from a portrait session looking and feeling beautiful.  To those who haven’t had that experience yet, we’d love an opportunity to showcase your “true beauty.”

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