
Cold but still beautiful Frozen pond at studio {Nacogdoches Photographer}

Written by on January 8th, 2014
Ice on pond at G Patterson Studio located in Nacogdoches Texas.

It has been quite cold the past few days. But before we know it, we will be rocking 100° plus days which seem to stay with us much longer than cold. Until then, enjoy this photo I captured with my trusty Nikon of the frozen pond behind G Patterson Photographic Studio & Gallery.

A senior’s final semester: The fastest five months of your life {Nacogdoches senior portraits}

Written by on January 8th, 2014

After Christmas, one of two things generally happens to a senior.  They either get busy or they get lazy (senior-itis).  The first group tends to be on a mad hunt for scholarships and extra-curricular activities as they submit college applications.  The other tends to sit back and coast and let the chips fall where they [click title to read more ;)]

Can you say “Happy Happy Happy” Anniversary!

Written by on January 3rd, 2014
Greg & Cindy Patterson toasting to a new life together.

Can you say “Happy Happy Happy” Anniversary! Well I can as today my beautifully kind and amazing wife and I celebrate our anniversary. Time really does fly when you are happily married. I do remember some not so easy moments but they are like dust in the wind compared to the years together. We started [click title to read more ;)]

New camera, New Year? Five tips from Certified Professional Photographer for getting started with your new camera!

Written by on January 2nd, 2014
Get out and practice with your new camera.

Did Santa bring you a new camera for the new year? If so, I’ve got a few tips that will help you get started with capturing some great images. 1. I know it sounds lame, but open that little book that came with the camera and read at least the first chapter or so. It [click title to read more ;)]